DOD MOU Requirements

Collin College - Statement of Policy for Compliance with Department of Defense Memorandum of Understanding

Educational Institution Requirements for Tuition Assistance Funding (Department of Defense Memorandum of Understanding)

A. Collin College has signed and adheres to the requirements of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Defense.

B. Collin College is:

         a. Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
         b. Approved for Veterans Affairs Education Benefits
         c. Approved for Federal student aid programs with the Department of Education

C. Collin College complies with all regulatory guidance provided by the Department of Defense and the Services.

D. Collin College complies with State of Texas authorization requirements

E. Collin College participates in the Third Party Education Assessment process at the request of the Department of Defense.

F. Prior to a Service Member enrolling Collin College makes the following information known to the Service members:

         a. The College Scorecard
         b. The College Navigator
         c. The Financial Aid Shopping Sheet, log into CougarWeb, under Quick link, click on my financial aid, click on federal shopping sheet, select aid year you were awarded for.    
         d. Paying for College        

         e.  All Service members must speak with their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor prior to enrolling in classes.  Documentation of approval for enrollment must be obtained prior to registration and must be submitted to the Cashier.  The DODMOU POC will be notified of all students submitting approval to ensure that proper notifications are made.


G. Collin College has designated a point of contact at each campus in order to help guide service members to student resources such as Financial Aid, Academic Advising, Disability Services, and other important resources that Service members can use to successfully complete their program of study and assist with job search activities.

         a. Central Park Campus – McKinney
             Sheldon Johnson
             Room WC204

         b. Preston Ridge Campus – Frisco
             Founders Hall Room 141

         c. Spring Creek Campus
             Jason Elliston
             Room D200

H. Private loans will never be offered to a Service member without first exploring all options for federal and state financial aid. Service members should speak to one of our Financial Aid Advisors.


         a. Service members maybe be eligible for grants such as PELL or SEOG and low interest federal student loans. A financial aid advisor is available to discuss the available aid with each service member. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid at should be completed by all service members.  This application allows Collin College to determine eligibility for both federal and state financial aid.

         b. Private student loans are often more expensive than federal student loans. The Department of Education offers resources to help explain the differences between federal and private loans. Your financial aid advisor will review these differences with you.

         c. Federal Student Loan Information
                   i. Collin College has a Cohort Default Rate of 3.4% compared to a national rate of 10.1%
                   ii. Approximately 12% of our students borrow federal student loans
                   iii. Loan repayment data

         d. Students have the ability to refuse all loans or borrow less than the maximum student loan amount. Students are strongly encouraged not to take out student loans unless it is absolutely necessary.

I. Readmissions Policy for Service members

         a. All service members are eligible to be readmitted into a program if they are temporarily unable to attend class or have to suspend their studies due to service requirements. Service members will have their academic status restored to the same level as it was when they left school for service requirements.

         b. A member of the Armed Services who is on active duty for a period of more than 30 days will never be charged more than the in-state tuition rate at Collin College. In-state tuition rates also apply to a service member's spouse and dependent children when active duty exceeds 30 days.
J. Collin College ensures compliance with program integrity requirements consistent with the regulations issues by ED  (34 C.F.R. 668.71-668.75 and 668.14) related to restrictions on misrepresentation, recruitment, and payment of incentive compensation. This applies to the educational institution itself and its agents including third party generators, marketing firms, or companies that own or operate the educational institutions. As part of efforts to eliminate unfair, deceptive and abusive marketing aimed at Service members and its agents including third party lead generators, marketing firms, or companies that own or operate the educational institutions will:


Collin College prohibits inducements, including any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, transportation, lodging, meals, or other item having a monetary value of more than a de minimis amount, to any individual or entity, or its agents including third party lead generators or marketing firms other than salaries paid to employees or fees paid to contractors in conformity with all applicable laws for the purpose of securing enrollments of Service members or obtaining access to TA funds. Educational institution sponsored scholarships or grants and tuition reductions available to military students are permissible, and:


Collin College prohibits the payment of any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial aid (including TA funds) to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting, admission activities, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance, and:


Collin College prohibits high pressure recruitment tactics such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (3 or more), including contacts by phone, email, or in-person, and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing Service member enrollments in non- credit courses/programs.

K. Students are never automatically enrolled in courses at Collin. Students are always responsible for enrolling in courses and must grant permission to be enrolled in a program or course.

L. If a program at Collin College requires approval by an accrediting agency, that approval must be obtained prior to any Service member being enrolled in the program.

M. Does not apply.

N. Collin College credit transfer policies, drop/add and withdrawal policies are outlined in the current student catalog. Any questions related to transfer of credit for a service member should be direct to the Veterans Transition Specialist - Adela "Del" Valdez at 


Tuition Assistance Program Requirements

         a. Collin College assesses the same tuition and fee amounts to all Service members without regard to their Service component.

         b. Course enrollment information, course withdrawal, course cancellation, course completion or failure, grade, verification of degree completion and billing are reported to the TA issuing Service's education office.

         c. Degree requirements are outlined in the student catalog and include course information for each program such as number of credit hours required for completion, required and elective courses, graduation requirements for the program. Academic advisors should be consulted to review the choice for a program of study and to review transfer course work that applies to the program of study.

         d. Service members must obtain approval from their Service in order to use Tuition Assistance funds. All Military TA must be requested and approved prior to the start date of a given course.

         e. Use of TA funds with Financial Aid


I. "Top-Up" eligible active duty DoD personnel may use this Montgomery or Post-9/11 G.I. Bill benefit in conjunction with TA funds from their Service to cover those course costs to the Service member that exceed the amount of TA paid by his or her Service. RC members who qualify for Montgomery G.I. Bill benefits may use those benefits concurrently with TA. RC members who have earned entitlement for the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill can use both VA education benefits and TA, but VA will only pay for the portion of tuition not covered by TA. Therefore the combination of VA education benefits and TA will not exceed 100 percent of the actual costs of tuition.

II. DOD personnel are entitled to consideration for all forms of financial aid that educational institutions make available to students at their home campus. Educational institution financial aid officers will provide information and application processes for Title IV student aid programs, scholarships, fellowships, grants, loans, etc., to DoD TA recipients.

III. Service members identified as eligible DoD TA recipients, who qualify for Pell Grants through ED's student aid program, will have their TA benefits applied to their educational institution's account prior to the application of their Pell Grant funds to their account. Unlike TA funds, which are tuition-restricted, Pell Grant funds are not tuition-restricted and may be applied to other allowable charges on the account.

f. Administration of Tuition

                   i. The Services will provide TA to Service members in accordance with DoD and Service appropriate regulations.

                   ii. Tuition Assistance funds will be returned to the Service education office as follows:
                                1. 100% if the student drops a course prior to the first day of class.
                                2. 100% if the student fails to attend the course.
                                3. 100% if the course is cancelled by the College.
                                4. When a service member withdraws from a course or stops attending, tuition will be returned to the Services education office on a prorated basis and is based on the number of days completed in the semester. For example, a student that withdraws from a course that is 112 days long on the 54th day then  48% of the payment for tuition and fees by TA funds would be returned and the Service member is responsible for covering that portion of the tuition and fees.
                                5. Tuition charged to service members never exceeds the amount charged to nonmilitary students.
                                6. Tuition rates are approved annually by the Collin College Board of Directors and are communicated to Service members at least 90 days before the  implementation of the new rates.

g. If a course is cancelled by the College students, all students are notified of the cancellation.

h. Books and supplies for courses are available at the Bookstore on each campus. Refunds for book charges are made at      100% if the course is cancelled by the institution. In addition, all students have access to the materials in the Campus Library for both printed and electronic materials.

i. Graduation Achievement Recognition

                    i. Collin College will issue, at no cost to the Government, documentation as proof of completion, such as a diploma or certificate, to each student who completes the respective program requirements and meets all financial obligations.

                    ii. In accordance with Service requirements, Collin College will report to the Service concerned those TA recipients who have completed a certificate, diploma, or degree  program. Reporting will occur at least annually and include the degree level, major, and program requirements completion date.

                    iii. The academic credentials for certificate, diploma, or degree completion will reflect the degree-granting educational institution and campus authorized to confer the degree.

                    iv. Collin College strongly encourages students to participate in a graduation ceremony each year.

j. Collin College provides reports via electronic delivery on all DOD TA recipients for programs and courses offered to personnel as required by the cognizant Service.  This includes, but is not limited to, TA transactions, final course grades to include incompletes and withdrawals, degrees awarded, certificates earned, evaluated educational plans, courses offered and military graduation. Educational institutions providing face-to-face courses on a DOD installation will provide a class roster to the responsible education advisor.  The class roster will include information such as the name of the instructor, the first and last name of each student (military and non-military), the course title, the class meeting day(s), the start and ending time of the class, and the class location (e.g. , building and room number).